G-mail Tips & Tricks: 5 Things You Need to Know

Auto email labeling, Templates, Filters, and more

Siva Ganesh Kantamani


Photo by Kon Karampelas on Unsplash

G-mail is one of the most used emailing service in the world with many productivity-enhancing tips. Though many of us use it, only a few of us know the advanced features like the ones listed in this article. Make the most out of G-mail using these features.

#1 Labels

Labels are one of the best features in G-mail. Using labels, we can easily distinguish emails based on category, purpose or pretty much in any way you want to classify them.

To keep things simple first, let’s create a label and add already existing mail to that label. You can create a label using Create new label option in the left panel. Now open any mail, you’ll see icons above the mail. Click on label icon and then select a one or multiple labels, Finally click apply.

Now that we know how to create a label & assign a mail to it, we can filter emails based on labels. In my case, I created labels like Medium, Work, Insurance, Banks and more. So when I’m working on a particular stream like Medium, I can filter all the emails related to Medium and focus on them without any distractions. You can find all your labels in the left panel.

#2 Auto Label Incoming Emails

